WELCOME New & Returning Students (Sunday Sept. 8)

Dear Parents or Guardians,

We are excited to begin the 2024-25 Dharma School! We hope that your family had a restful summer, and that your children are ready for the new school year. 

We wish to make the short time we have together each Sunday an enjoyable and rewarding experience for your students.  We also hope that the Buddhist Temple of San Diego becomes an important part of their life.  We ask parents or guardians of all new and returning students to register below.

More Information

The 2024-2025 term begins September 8, 2024 and ends June 15, 2025.

Registration Required
If you haven't done so already, please fill out the online 2023-24 DS Registration Form for each student as soon as possible. Please feel free to share this link with friends and family.

Class Duration
Classes meet for approximately 45 minutes, following the Sunday Dharma Service.  Students will be dismissed to their parents or guardians at the classroom or, with permission, can join their family in the dining room for Hospitality. 

Your Role

We understand that parent support leads to student success, and we look forward to partnering with you this year. This year we will need parents to volunteer in classrooms each week. Additionally, we will need a few volunteers to help with hospitality on September 10. Please sign-up here to volunteer in the month of September. 


If you or your child is interested in learning how to play the Taiko drums, BTSD Taiko is hosting a series of workshops in October. More information about these beginning Taiko workshops will be forthcoming and will  be found on this website.


Please do not hesitate to contact us at btsd.dharmaschool@gmail.com. We are looking forward to seeing you and your child(ren) soon!

In Gassho, 

Dharma School Teaching Staff

Dharma SchoolBT SD