A VERY BIG THANK YOU from Obon Chair Ken Muraoka

For a Successful Obon Observance

Dear Dharma Friends,
The beat of Taiko Drums filled the summer evening at our the BTSD Bon Odori this year. Every year during the Bon Odori we have Taiko performances throughout the evening, but this year it was a little different as we had several collaborative performances. First our own BTSD Taiko group performed with Shokenji Taiko from the Vista Buddhist Temple before the odori began. Then at our dance half-time we were treated to a collaborative performance of BTSD Taiko, Shokenji Taiko, San Diego Taiko, and Naruwan Taiko. It is no small feat to bring these four Taiko groups together and create times for all of them to practice together. Though there has been collaboration in the past, the energy this year really made the Bon Odori special. Thank you to the all the participating Taiko groups and to Chelsea and Bobby Koga for bringing it all together.
In a similar manner, Junko Kajita and her team of dance instructors which include Avis Honda, Breven Honda, Eugene Hotta, JoAnn Hotta, Jaden Kruse, Kimberly Kruse, Shirley Omori, Ann Ong, and Jamie Shimizu weathered the heat and held eight dance practices throughout the summer leading up to the Bon Odori. During their practices you see many temple members, but you also see many new faces that are new to odori and BTSD. It is always fun to see what new dance we will get to learn and freshen up the old favorites.  Junko and her crew always make practice fun and welcoming, and what I hear, all the practicing makes the odori even more enjoyable. 

Junko is truly the heart of our Bon Odori, she coordinates the lantern making for the Hatsubon families making sure their needs are met throughout the day. Thank you to Fred Nakatani, Keiko Negoro, Laura YoshidaPatty Nakamura, Sharon Sasaki, Brian Sasaki, Karen Okuhara, Janice Shigehara, Norman Kiyono, and Aki Tomiyama who helped in making this lantern endeavor happen. Junko also developed the evening script to make sure the odori runs smoothly. To make sure everyone is dressed properly, Junko enlists Yuko Niwa and her students, Sachi, Shiho, Akiko, and Mayumi to help the dancers with their Yukatas. To top everything off, Junko is a part of BTSD Taiko. So a tremendous amount of thanks goes to Junko not only because of what I mentioned, but her efforts are like an iceberg, what you see is only the tip, but the effort she puts in to make sure everyone’s experience at the Bon Odori is a positive one, which is tremendous, is hidden under the surface.
Kris Tokunaga did a wonderful job coordinating the food vendors for the evening. If you enjoyed the vendors, they were House of Bao, Vietnamese Grill, Cocobomb, Sumosize, and Onigiri House. The lines were long, but the food was delicious.
Chief Executive Designer: Angela Castillo put together a striking postcard and t-shirt design for 2024. She always has such beautiful designs, and she is so modest about her talents.
The hidden gem of all of our Bon Odori’s is of course the Obon Again store run by Joyce Teague and her amazing crew. It isn’t an easy feat to set up and take down a small shop, but she makes it happen every year. Joyce has been running the Obon Again for over 20 years. With all the proceeds going toward the BTSD Scholarship Fund, you can imagine how many lives have benefited from her hard work. Thank you.
Ralph Honda takes care of many odds and ends and is often the one who reminds me of something I may have missed. Every year he makes sure we have permission to park at the many businesses in the neighborhood. He also makes sure everyone stays safe by coordinating the security.
Michael Kinoshita set up the site plan, laid out the lights, marked out all the areas, and created the new look of the Yagura. This year was the test run of the new look, next year we will try to make it even better.
Karen and Roy Okuhara, Glenn Negoro, and crew ran the refreshment booth making sure all our guest are hydrated and stayed cool.
Our treasurers, Nancy Martinez, Aki Tomiyama, Glenn Negoro, and Ralph Honda take care of the financial before, during, and after the Bon Odori.
The evening would not be the same without Taiyaki, Thank you Kaytee, Floyd, and Eric Sumida, and Glenn Torio.
The Jr YBA Opportunity Drawing had several donations from the community. Please support these restaurants, Hanaoka Japanese Restaurant, Kanpai Japanese Restaurant, Menya Ultra Ramen, Handels Ice Cream, and Nothing Bundt Cakes. Also please support the Aquarium of the Pacific, Marston House, The Plunge San Diego, The San Diego Padres, and the USS Midway. Thank you to the Lee Family, Kang Family, Gregg Yonekura, and the many anonymous donors. Of course, we appreciate the many people who purchased the “Opportunity Drawing” tickets. All of this was coordinated by the Jr YBA, Sharyn Muraoka, Lorena and Hector Covarrubias, and Julie Watson.
Tim Kajita handled all the audio duties. Peter Masuda set the tone of the Bon Odori with his enthusiasm as emcee. Masanobu Kinjo whose Okinawan Folk Music Group, Ryukyu Minyo Kenkyusho, was the first performance of the evening. They also performed an Okinawan odori song live.

Speaking of live performances, Karly Maruyama sang live for one of the
Ricky Cheeks played the Taiko and percussions with Ann Ong as well as some taiko players from Vista during the Odori dancing.
A very special thanks to the BTS Crew (Behind The Scenes) who are led by Michael Kinoshita and Mike Ong. The Crew: Glenn Torio, Mark Torio, LuAnn and Harold Lee, Gregg Yonekura, Bill Teague, Kurt Yasuhara, Isaac Martinez, Nancy Martinez, Victor Yamaguchi, Wilbur Shigehara, Ron Tokunaga, Laura Yoshida, Kimberly Kruse, Alan Yamanishi, Brian Sasaki, Floyd Sumida, Tad Muraoka, and a few others that escape me at the moment (sorry).  These volunteers help set up during the week leading up to the Bon Odori and/or started setting up at 9 am and help take down everything at 9 pm. Thank you.
Last but definitely not least, Reverend Gregory Gibbs, Reverend William Masuda (Our guest minister), Rev. Smitty, Rev. Laverne and the Ministers Assistants, Yukari Williams, Arturo Rubio, Sharon Sasaki, Kaytee Sumida, and Bill Teague for their spiritual guidance to all of the Sangha.
The Bon Odori only happens because of all the volunteers that support this event. The help of every volunteer is important and though I don’t have every volunteer name listed, everyone’s help is greatly and deeply appreciated. Thank you for making the 2024 Obon season in San Diego a meaningful success.
In Gassho,
Ken Muraoka