Every Day is Earth Day
In the Buddhist view, we recognize that we are interdependent with all life. From this position of Oneness, we ask what we can do for our environment. Therefore we created an EcoSangha for our own Temple, inspired by actions at other Temples in our national organization.
Understanding of the inherent ecological nature of Buddhism.
Ecologically friendly behavior through established guidelines.
Recognition of the profound implications of our behavior on future generations.
Starting at home and at the Temple, members of the EcoSangha work in their homes and assist the Temple to behave more responsibly toward the environment. For example, at the Temple we encourage and assist in the use of
Paper products rather than Styrofoam or plastic.
Compostable utensils and non-plastic bags.
Bamboo chopsticks rather than wood.
Tap water rather than bottled water (our water fountain allows users to fill their own containers with cool filtered water).
Our labeled recycling containers to dispose of recyclables.
Washable plates and utensils available in the Temple kitchen to reduce use of non-recyclable products.
Eco-friendly cleaning products.
"Every day is Earth Day"
Learn More
The EcoSangha is open to Temple Members and Dharma Friends. Contact the Temple for more information (see contact information below).
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EcoSangha Handout
Here is a downloadable PDF of the flyer that the BTSD EcoSangha sharee to oberve Earth Day:
Earth Day. Earth Day is officially April 22 each year, although observations tend to be on weekends for convenience's sake. The Ecosangha handout (see above) reminds us that every day is Earth Day.
Logo. Our EcoSangha logo comes from our Dharma Friends at the San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin, where the EcoSangha movement in our Temple network began, with great encouragement from Rev. Don Castro.
Earth Witness Mudra. In our logo, the Buddha's right hand position, or mudra, is known in Sanskrit as the Bhumisparsha mudra. Rich with symbolism, the mudra represents the Buddha's rootedness in the here and now. It is said this was the mudra used when, upon enlightenment, he overcame all obstacles to become the Awakened One. You will frequently see this mudra in statues of the seated Buddha. In the example below, the Buddha's left hand is in the Dhyana or meditation mudra, while the Buddha touches the earth.