Read "Hope for the Hopeless" by Rev. Blayne Higa
Published in the pages of the September 2023 issue of the Buddhadharma quarterly, the article is also shared via the Lion’s Roar web pages. Therefore we are able to share with you “Hope for the Hopeless,” by Rev. Blayne Higa.
Read “Hope for the Hopeless” here.
In his article, Rev. Higa explains the reason for hope.
It is within a Buddha’s nature to liberate, to transform, and to heal. This is the dynamic working of Amida’s Vow to grasp and never abandon. This is the activity of wisdom unfolding as compassion, which transforms our brokenness into wholeness.
About Rev. Higa
Higa Sensei currently serves as the minister of the Kona Hongwanji Buddhist Temple on the Big Island of Hawaii. As we post the link to his article, we can thank him again for being our Guest Speaker in April 2022 for Hanamatsuri, the Flower Festival, celebrating the birth of the historical Buddha. Videos of his talks appear below.
Rev. Higa’s Adult Dharma Talk
Rev. Higa’s Dharma Talk for Dharma School Youth