DON'T MISS! Two Different Ways to View Anniversary Service

On Sunday, September 1, at 10 a.m., and live from the Buddhist Church of San Francisco, the Buddhist Churches of America will conduct a service commemorating the 125th anniversary of our national organization. We hope you will join us to watch at the Temple, and you may also watch from home.


Our Sangha is invited to come to the Temple so we can watch the service together in our Hondo or main hall, and offer incense before or after.

Many thanks to Rev. Laverne Shidou Imori, CMA Bill Teague, and MA Kaytee Sumida for their help, and for Audiovisual assistance, to Breven Honda


BCA members and friends are welcome to log in directly to the livestream. Use this link to get to the BCA YouTube channel.


Use this link for the schedule of ritual and greetings in English and Japanese from the international head of our order, the Gomonshu Kojun Ohtani, and from Shoyu Ogino, the Governor General of the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha. The program also includes the entire text of the longish chant, Shoshin Nembutsu Ge. The chair for the service is Rev. Michael Endo, and the officiant Bishop Marvin Harada.

24-Page Program Booklet

Learn more here:

Dharma Forward Program

To allow our tradition to thrive into the future, donations are encouraged to the Dharma Forward program here:

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