Join Rev. Hōkai “Smitty” Smith, for Nirvana Day on Sunday, Feb. 23
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Sunday's events take place in our Hondo (main hall) on the top floor, unless otherwise stated.
9:00 a.m. Chanting Practice. Optional., with Bill Teague, CMA.
New members welcome.
10:00 a.m. Service in the Hondo
Rev. Smitty, Officiant
Ralph Honda, Service Chair.
Arturo Rubio, CMA will give the Children's Dharma Talk
Rev. Smith will give the Adult Dharma Talk
Robert Yamamoto will be our Musical Accompanist
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Light hospitality follows the service and is just one floor down from the Hondo, in the Dining Room on the Office Level
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DID YOU KNOW? Many Mahayana sects observe the three biggest events in the life of the historical Buddha — Birth, Enlightenment, and Death (Paranirvana) — on three separate days.
In contrast, most Theravada sects observe these life events in one extended observation, Vesak or Wesak, sometimes held over a week. The celebration starts on the first full moon in May, which in 2025 is May 12; aspects of the tradition vary from country to country.
Mark Your Calendar: In our Temple, we will celebrate the Buddha’s birth with Hanamatsuri (flower festival) on Sunday, April 13, and his enlightenment with Bodhi Day on Sunday, December 7.