JOIN US for Dharma and April Shotsuki Hoyo
What is Shotsuki Hoyo? In our tradition, each month we make time to remember loved ones who have passed away in that month over the years, to express our gratitude and to keep them in our hearts and minds. Our Shotsuki Hoyo service this Sunday is dedicated to all those who pased away in the month of April.
Doing so each month means that we will be able to thank everyone we've lost at least once each year.
9 a.m. Chanting Practice (optional; new members welcome)
Rev. Laverne Imori, Officiant
Ralph Honda will serve as our Chairperson
Sharon Sasaki will give the Children's Dharma Talk
Rev. Laverne will give the Adult Dharma Talk
Ann Ong, is the Musical Accompanist
At 9:00 a.m. we hope you'll join us for chanting in the Hondo.
10:00 a.m. Kansho (Calling Bell) calls us to service.
Ralph welcomes us all with opening comments.
Rev. Laverne leads us in ritual, including the reading of Shotsuki names (those who passed away in April).
Sharon shares the Dharma School message.
The Dharma School will be excused to classes.
Rev. Laverne shares the Adult Dharma Talk.
Ralph will share closing comments and welcome us to offer incense.
Ann will provide the music.
The Minister's Assistants will remain after the service to answer your questions.
If you are not able to join in person,
we plan to livestream the service in real time
on our YouTube channel.
You may need to check the "Live" tab to find the livestream.
Often in this form, the Dalai Lama is quoted as saying,
“Don’t study Buddhism to be a better Buddhist; study Buddhism to be a better whatever you are.”
At least one online commenter believes the above quote may be inspired in retelling by his comments at an intra-faith event, in which he was documented as saying,
“Learn from Buddhism if that is good for you. But do it as Christians, a Jew or whatever you are. And be a good friend to us.”