NEW: More Chances to See BTSD Taiko Out in the Community
BTSD Taiko at the 2024 CHerry Blossom Festival at the Japanese Friendship Garden
Our Taiko Group Performances
in July and August 2024
BTSD continues to support community events with performances like the ones shown. Venues in boldfaced are open to the public.
Sharp Metropolitan Campus Multicultural & Diversity Fair, July 30 (employee event)
BTSD Obon, August 3, 5:45 p.m. with Shokenji Taiko, 7:20 p.m. with Naruwan Taiko, San Diego Taiko and Shokenji Taiko
La Mesa Library, August 10, 2 p.m.
You can attend rehearsals as a guest after most Sunday Services (as a courtesy, introduce yourself to the Taiko leaders, usually Bobby or Chelsey Koga).
You can catch Taiko’s public performances (shown in bold above).
Stay tuned for future performances announced on our website.
Please leave a message at the Temple or email Chelsey Koga.
Here’s a photo from the Taoko group’s performance at Sycamore Ridge School back on April 17.