UPDATE: Thanks for Supporting BTSD Community Food Drive
Wow! The county-wide Neighbors Helping Neighbors food drive results are in, and overall brought in almost 47,000 pounds of food! See below graphic for more details.
BTSD HELPED MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Our Temple was one of 15 drop off points around San Diego County. BTSD sponsored donations from its membership and manned a drive-through location on August 19. We collected 243 lbs. of food, which equals 202 meals to feed hungry families in San Diego.
The drive was an interfaith effort coordinated through Just Serve, benefiting the San Diego Food Bank.
Here are just some of the goods collected at BTSD.
About the Food Drive
BTSD supported drive under the program name, Neighbors Helping Neighbors by collecting food donations at BTSD through July and most of August, and hosting a drive-through drop-off point on August 19. Learn more from our announcement here.
We Thank Our Volunteers
Nancy Martinez (left) and Laura Yoshida (right).
and …
Arturo Rubio
Nancy Martinez, Dharma School Superintendent, worked closely with the San Diego Food Bank to coordinate the drive, along with Arturo Rubio, Certified Minister’s Assistant and head of our Dana Group, and Laura Yoshida. Nancy reported that while deliveries on August 19 were slow, the contributions from Sangha Members really helped in making the drive a success.
Thanks from the Food Bank
Robin C. Gephart, on behalf of Just Serve, wrote her thanks to us as follows. “August is always a bit slower than our March drive… everything we can do is so needed. Thank you again for participating… your help matters!”
By the Numbers
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Article by Bill Teague