Feb. 10 Evening Dharma Talk with Rev. Nobuko Miyoshi
Flipping to the Right Side Up
Rev. Nobuko Miyoshi
For 7 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 10 in the Temple's Sangha Hall, please join us for guest speaker Rev. Nobuko Miyoshi of the West Covina Buddhist Temple
Rev. Miyoshi will speak on the topic of "Flipping to the Right Side Up." Miyoshi Sensei plans on helping us understand the concept as a Buddhist response to human suffering, delusion, and ignorance. In this metaphor, we are flip from living with the wrong side up, from the torture of wrong views that are akin to being hung upside down, when we recognize our the cause of our sufferings.
The evening is expected to last some 100 minutes and is free and open to all. Light refreshments will be served.
REV. MIYOSHI is resident minister at the West Covina Buddhist Temple of the Higashi Honganji branch of the Jodo Shinshu tradition. Previously she served at the Higashi Honganji in Los Angeles. Rev. Miyoshi comes from a ministerial family in Japan, and has trained both in Japan and the United States, including three years of study culminating in a master’s degree at the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley. She is married to Rev. William Briones, Rimban at the Nishi Hongwanji Los Angeles Betsuin